shadow work

Make the Mundane Spiritual

Since my teens
I've done so much shadow "work",
Learned so many systems,
Been to so many mystery schools,
Heard so many teachers sharing their how tos, whys and where fores.

Whispers of higher dimensionals,
Fantastical beasts, fée, dragons and mágical lores,
Far-off lands, worlds and sub-realities,
Spirit guides and etheric animals -
I've journeyed into the Eye of the void and back way behind the back of beyond.

And all that has taken me back to right here,
To right now;
Sitting in this hammock,
With my flesh-and-bones dog by my side,
The monkeys and breeze in the trees,
And this wonderful, multi-layered experience of Life, playing out infront of me,
Giving me the opportunity to tune in, or tune out.

And I reflect on all of the beautiful teachings, the skills, the tools, the codes;
The sacred roles they played in getting me here,
But, as the bridge to Avalon,
That is no longer required to get me back home -
Because here I be.

In every now, in every breath, in every me.
(Whether I'm holding space in the Astral, reconnecting a seeker with their ancestors, or childrearing).