The Mother Wound (again)

Today, I held a client deeply in their process

Again, another iteration of the Mother Wound 

And very tactile evidence of how much shame associated to this wound we, particularly as women, can hold in our Solar Plexus centre

(The seat of our personal fire 🔥)

Shame around:

How we are supposed to behave

How we are supposed to show up

How - in some instances and this is the most insidious - we are supposed to serve...

And this last one of course really equates to how much juice we have to show up for ourselves (and our clients and our practice as a response to that)

And this has a direct result of our relationship to our mother

And how she may have expected us to show up to serve her (perhaps she still does)

In the place of us being able to take fully of what we need from her as children.

Because, only then can we show up for the other (aka the client, or, funnily enough, our elderly relatives when they truly need our help)

When we ourselves are fully resourced and able to take from our mothers...

Taking from our mothers is not conditional

We don’t have to show up in a certain way to get love,


The fact that we are living, breathing iterations of them goes to prove this fact...

What I saw in this client today was a brilliant, white pillar of light at their core,

A bright light essence of brilliance, waiting to emerge

Asking permission to blossom

Asking permission to thrive

Asking permission to be seen.

Can you move beyond your familial expectations, wounding and judgement today a little more

In order to nurture this very same brilliance that burns inside of you?

Because, you are destined for greatness

And the time to claim it is now.


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