Are you DOING THE WORK (or just hanging out in the Astral)??

In speaking with David Khan this morning on his podcast (see link in bio ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผ), I realised 2 things:

lots of us went to sleep in our 20s (phew, not just me then) and

that many people who think that they are 'doing the work' are actually just hanging out in the astral... ๐Ÿ™ˆ

--> for example those of us who find ourselves:

wishing they were shamanic journeying/ on plant meds rather than cleaning the house/ changing a nappy

finding it easier to talk to their guides than to their mom

popping clean out of body every time they close their eyes to meditate (and calling that the heart frequency/ unified field)...

spoiler: not one nor other of these makes us more 'spiritual' and this post is not designed to be a crowing judgement ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿฝ

because, i get it, this was me too...

but shit only started to get really real, 

ie, my shadow work only started to get really deep, 

when i brought the body into the conversation, 

aka the 3D, 

aka human form, 

aka the masculine container for all of this to flow through and ground into in the first place...

and when i did blow the lid off all of this - beyond anything I had previously known...

and I got up close and personal with mom again

and I stayed in my body when meditating

and I chose sobriety (mostly) over sacred medicines

I went really frickin deep.

And although some ugly shit came out...

The pure, unhindered flow of lifeforce that blasted through me as a result... ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Began the process of integrating the chronic migraines that I had suffered for 20 years - as a direct result of not claiming my body, my physicality, my human life,

Gave me more energy to share with our kids; in play, in presence, in laughter

Amplified my clear channeling capacities 100%, so that I don't actually have to go anywhere or do anything to be connected to my guides.

--> Sound next level? Sign up for the Soul Speak Masterclass (link in bio ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผ) and start to see what the body has to say.

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