

Becoming more aware of the power of spellcasting (or newscasting), as our collective power of manifestation (or meeting up with more of what belongs to us) becomes supercharged through the forced and conscious, purification of our fields.

But, what if somebody's (or indeed, our) words don't land right? Or, when they are pitched to trigger a reaction rooted in a wound in us, or another? How can we really perceive the Truth of what is, in a world pitched in polarity?

What we can see (when we see/ hear/ feel/ know) is the potential dichotomy between the meaning of the words and the flavour of the energy projected with the words.

Often due to:
- negative conscious intention behind the words, ie dark magic
- the words being spoken through an unconscious lens of distortion, ie unresolved wounding

This is different from:
- positive conscious intention behind the words, spoken through minimal distortion, but landing directly in a wound/ distortion in another's field, ie holding the live potential for uplevel

From a place of present neutrality, fully getting our energy behind words, enables the Divine in us to speak to the divine in the other. A bit like God's Telephone.

Even if what is communicated isn't popular,
Isn't welcomed
Isn't fashionable
Isn't verbalised at all

In order to truly communicate, we must cultivate a clarity of field; free of distortion, free of a perspective, or a concave lens of wounding (either in the transmitter or the receiver). Free of spin, of manipulation, of saying/ doing to get or to provoke a certain response or reaction.

With clear intention and a little graceful respect, rather than maintaining the wall between us and holding our motives, POVs and goals most high above all else, we invite the Grace of God/ Nature/ Source into the mix, which in turn births the trinary energy of creation directly from the Void. It opens us up to possibility. Keeps our faces to the Sun. Supports the upwards spiral of evolution.

Something as routine as a greeting can take on the form of something much greater. Something that acknowledges the Divine in the other, honours your channel and nods to Nature as living witness.
