Walking onto the path of the initiate around 11 years ago now, I still had a gaping mother wound (and father wound at that)

Patterns and entanglements were still playing out from my ancestry

I lived hundreds and thousands of miles away from my homelands and ancestral roots

And not only that, I would push them away with criticism, judgement and resentment (the resounding undertone being the fear of being vulnerable) 

I would often find myself in heavy emotional processing, saying outloud to my newfound partner (and a key catalyst of this whole process);

--> 'But it doesn't even feel like mine...'

What I meant when I said this was, all of the energy coming through me, 

Purging through me, 

Clearing through me, 

Didn't seem to relate to any one specific event in my life to date...

Yes, I had been through a lot

Yes, I had created a lot of this personal hell myself

And yes, I had in the most part chosen to stay in this soup for as long as I did... 

But, I couldn't get to the root of the issue through my own personal journey alone.

Enter Shamanic Practice and Family Systemic Constellations...

I remember how resistant I was to looking at my ancestry during my Shamanic apprenticeship training,

I remember how boring I even considered the subject

I can also now see how much life force I had bound up there!

So, when I hear one of my clients saying to me that, 'it doesn't feel like mine...', my radar blips proud and loud,

Not only because I'm so excited to go there with them

Not only because I can already feel the threads weaving and the system building, inviting us in

But because I somatically know how they are going to feel as a result of embarking on this journey.

--> Anima Presence is the intimate 3 month group container for conscious coaches, healers, practitioners and guides, looking to free up more of their latent potential in order to take their work to the next level. 

I really mean, those who are ready to take life to the next level.

Sign up for the Anima Presence waitlist via the link in bio  

#familysystem #familyalchemy #familysystems #familyconstellation #familysystemicconstellation #familyconstellations #ancestralhealing #ancestry