the heart of systemic intelligence
“Harriet is both gentle, and yet fearlessly brave in her facilitation... I found the work I did with her to be profoundly powerful and very deep; a real healing transformation and I discovered a sense of reconnection with valuable aspects of myself I had long felt separate from. She has a natural authenticity and intuitive capacity for this work.”
Systemic Intelligence, Systemic Constellations and the work of Family Systems Constellations originated in the West with Bert Hellinger in the early 1990s from many influences, one of which is believed to be the tribal Zulu people from South Africa. Likely, this way of working in and with the Unified (Morphogenetic) Field, has been present and successfully utilised by many tribespeople and communities across the world for millennia.
Enabling us to track a wound pattern from the personal conscience, deep into and through the point of conception and into the collective wounds of our ancestry, we return empowered and informed, able to reach back out in right relationship with community, which includes groups and businesses. Through these various learning experiences, we gain valuable and direct insights into the fabric of life, which seeks unity by Nature.
Constellations are a powerful way to somatically experience our independency upon and entanglements with our personal histories, places of birth, members of our family, as well as distant ancestry and wider tapestry of Life. In seeing, for example, that our own family members have their own imprints, histories and crosses to bear, we can cultivate more understanding in our own lives for how much capacity they have or had to pass on life- and love- force to us. All in, we cultivate a deep gratitude for the lifeforce that is available to us - no matter what.
“Systemic Constellations are a grounded and embodied way to look into the transformative fires that any trauma - presented as a blockage, issue or looping pattern (personally and trans-personally) - offer us.
I see that this work necessitates a certain amount of discernment, courage and fortitude to stand witnessed before an externalised cause or effect of a traumatised reverberation in a system, as well as a tenacity and maturity to titrate one’s nervous system in the face of one’s parents or childhood wounding. This is particularly true when we work with Horses, who are both extremely sensitive to the Field itself and the movements available - and communicating to us with no filter.
Oft dispelling the distance that appears between Self and Other, we are able to connect into a depth of presence that lies in the ever-present clarity underneath - once the pools of the emotions have parted and the wound seen and held.
In this clarity, we are truly in touch with each other and a deeper Self - inner knowing, or gnosis - that is able to bubble up - connecting us into solutions, potential and possibilities available and existing in the Unified Field (often concealed in our day to day Human experience). Not only do these solutions offer us alternative perspectives to life’s array of problems, but they also have the capacity to bring back into sight, to give a place to, to be inclusive of members of a system, a family for example, so that healing - and life-force - may be brought back to all members of the system as a whole.
These are movements that have the potential to repattern our DNA, our family history and anyone and anything connected to these movements - in any time.
And Horses are, I continue to find, the perfect ally, support - and necessary foundational intelligence and framework for the deepening of this work.”
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“Faced and transmuted shame, faced secrets that created an opening that I’d only really dreamed of. Brought me closer to my husband. The courage to share myself in public, and to be authentically me. A connection with Life, which is opening up more within me. The birthing of new creative offerings that are aligned with my soul… Experiencing more creation in daily life… Aligning myself with my inner navigation system. I could literally go on and on! Eternally grateful.”
“Thank you for being there for me. You helped me to remember that:
I am not alone
I can open myself to others and not be afraid
I can speak out
I can have boundaries and it’s okay. It actually feels cleaner and truer
I don’t need to dive into or reject people on first impressions
I can be gentle on myself and others
I admire your constancy and consistency to follow and show others your beliefs, and the energy with which you share it. Watching you so fully give so many hours of time to those who need you, and how gently you guide them, was truly inspiring. Being able to experience that first hand, left me hopeful in a time that I had little faith. You made me remember how strong we can be and how much more we are, when we are supported by others.
You remind me that the work is never done. And more importantly, that it can be done with grace.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for being.”