The Fertility of Chaos

This Winter portal has surely taken us into the depths of what it means to be alive - and in a body.

With many opportunities to feel, through illness and seasonal dis-eases, as well as to fear; through being within technological earshot of what’s going on on the world stage; our lens being focused on the great fires that are pulling our energies out of our base, questioning our stability, our homes and our ability to root.

During a time - the time - when we need to be (as our ancestors were) hunkering in and reinforcing this centre, our connection to body and all things material and manifest.

In many ways - and for many - it continues to be a difficult Winter crossing. And despite our daughter discovering (to her delight) a first snowdrop yesterday here in the South of England, I can’t quite - I don’t quite - feel that Winter is done with us yet.

Precisely because, I’ve seen, felt and known the Chaos of the above either directly or indirectly and I still feel like I’m waiting for the rebirth,

The renewal -

The resurrection -

From the fertile depths of Mother Chaos.

For me, this looks like taking things slow, letting things be messy and holding my nerve, or faith, that things will bounce back;

That clarity will again be born from the Chaos.

This period certainly tests and tenderises the threshold of the nervous system, our unique interface between spirit and matter and calls, to support, to relate to and to connect with each other even more with our hearts on our sleeves.

Systemically within my experience, the longer and deeper we are able to see and hold these periods of chaos wholeheartedly, fully, acceptingly and compassionately, without necessarily trying to fix, salve, or call in the judge and jury, the more sustainable the result of what births from this space.

Akin to embracing this state of our not knowing, or Chaos, as our real refuge and fortress this Winter.

Sending love,
