Systemic Energetics (& the Sophianic Grid)

- Harriet Goudard

Downloaded, February - March 2021

The Divine order of the Universe is the Universal order of the Divine
— Harriet Goudard

The Universe is made up of a series of interlocking systems. At any one time, we are interacting in a multitude of them – continuously, consciously and unconsciously. Your multi-dimensional nature determines that you exist, or spin, right now over some 144,000 dimensions or systems within each a part of you playing an important energetic role for your survival and your success.

This is the framework of life itself – upon which everything hangs and hinges – and the paradox is that once you have formed a static representation of this in your mind’s eye you at once become aware that the thing you have envisaged or brought into form through the processing power of logic – your mind – is not static at all, but pulsing with life, not only through the dimensions, but also into the past and the future.

This is the dance of life, the cycle, the spiral, the flux, the flow, the inspiration and the exhalation - and we are talking about the energetic structure of all things and all not things and at the same time the charge that flows between these things.

Duality is two sides of the same coin
— Harriet Goudard

At a glance, it would appear that we are talking of something with a dualistic nature. Some of the life that results as part of this process certainly holds the energetics of both polarities, but at this objective, Source perspective, we see that these aspects are one and the same, or better yet; two perspectives of the same thing.

As, in order for a charge to exist, a system in which to flow in and out of must also be present. Observe, the emotional charge that runs through the body complex. This cannot be experienced as ‘real’ without the system of the body and its many parts.

When we zoom out and apply the same model to what we observe in Nature, we see that the consciousness, or energy, could not flow through a plant without its stem, flower, stamen and so on – and the Lunar consciousness, or Lunar Force, could not flow through all things on Mother Earth without all of us to experience it. This is the Knowing Field (see Bert Hellinger’s work of Family Systemic Constellations).

We are surrounded by systems – and so beautifully these systems are at the same time vast and complex – and efficiently simple.

They serve to convey charge, life force, or consciousness to every living thing in physical existence and beyond.


From this perspective then, we see the natural order of things; how at each touchpoint we see, take, hold on to one point on each of these over-locking circles exists another, a touchpoint through which Source frequency can enter our existence – from everything, the stronger and purer the energy, the closer we are to Source.

We find that, by taking/ adopting our rightful place within these systems, we run better health, a higher level of coherence, which in human terms means prosperity and success. We can observe this at play with Gridworkers, conduits for Source, who are called to move geographically around the Globe in order to anchor in more energy through their system. Likewise, in communities and social circles, families and partnerships. Like two charged parts of a battery, energy flows from one to the other.

The energy is what we can also refer to as the Soul, Heart frequency, or Tenderness.

The fuel for life that both precipitates evolution and holds the framework in which it can flow. It is the yin and the yang and the emancipation of both, birthing something more primal, more technologically advanced, more ancient.

This is unity, this describes the architecture of everything and is the work of the Gods themselves.

The golden threads of creation.

The stork and his precious bundle.

The charge and potential for change.

Dissecting form and bisecting matter, these systems occur at a level beyond tangible sight. It is only through our feeling sense of merging, directed by the power of our intention, that we can truly gain access to this Pandora’s Box.

Access to the Mainframe itself.

The language of the totem has been coined by the Shamans and ancients to put a map key and reference to this process that becomes visible to the eye and to the Dreamwalker. A method for recognising and honouring the animals, plants and elements as they show up along the path and understanding why they show up. Equally, medicinally, this becomes accessible by individuals with the “how-to”; being able to tune into what is adrift within the known landscape.

The work of Constellations assumes the access point into any system through identification of the pertinent parts relevant to the lens through which it is being viewed.

We also witness repercussions, or echoes, of energy through a system in characteristics, habits, facial features that make their way down the ancestral lines of a family system and the genetic matrix.

In fact, anywhere there is Source connection, it is possible to tune into any system – and this is the lesser-known superpower of the human intention as both a vessel, a carrier of the potential energy, dormant and the dust particule around which the whole snowflake forms.

This is why the classic, Akashic system of access into these records is outdated. Human computational power has greatly, vastly evolved since the original creation point of access involved with the Akashic, which relies solely on the sense of 3D clairvoyance – when actually the infinite resources of information and potential are available to all – clairvoyant or not. As, anyone with a physical 3D vessel (ie, body) can tune into the energetics of a system, reflected all around them in a living, breathing, moving expression of now. This has been misunderstood and distorted.

So, for example, using the intention to read a particular scenario, the systems would intentionally be set up and the individual steps in as a role player, or observer, to test the energetics and interplay within the system. Equally, simply the clear intention of the observer can be used as the lends through which to access any system – working simply with the elements around people and place occurring synchronistically.

So what?

  • So, if you could open up to Source for better health, relationships and success, wouldn’t you?

  • If you could test out future models of ‘being’ for yourself and the collective, wouldn’t you?

  • If you could ground more effectively into the role you were called here to play, would you be brave enough?

Even these words are energetic conduits for the Source flow that is coming through – this document providing you with the system to access this information and this energy will affect you at the level at which you are ready to receive.

So, as we become aware of the threads that run through our lives, we may become aware of the aspects of our very selves, which are coming up for integration. Integration being a term to describe our many new integrations further into the whole. 50 shades of grey integrating into white, or the ultra high frequency energy of the All pervasive, all encompassing, I.

Animals in their natural context, are always plugged into all of their Source portals, through seamless engagement with the Divine, aligned with their free will, as there is no separation at this level of consciousness. In some worlds, this would be referred to as being ‘guided’.

As animals provide us with active portals into this actualisation, we are met with totemic and symbolic clues, along with energetic mirrors for ourselves and our states of being.

In the same ilk, therefore, we can bear witness to the technological advancements that are now upon us; the energetic frequency available to run through the Human system, the waves of this catalysing frequency available for transmission to other and the energetic intersection of these “individuals” and who they are energetically influencing through the ex-3D matrix that exists in all time and all space. There are not many visualisations one can do to understand this concept and the closest I can describe is that of a series of interconnected, interstellar constellations bridged together in Light of the All pervasive consciousness.

Though this energetic connectivity, these larger systems become sovereign entities in their own right going beyond the tipping point of infiltration, disassociation, and vulnerability to conditioning. This frequency takes the individual to a pace that is untouchable by conditioning. This looks like a lift going up and down, dipping into the bowls of the lower dimensions and coming back up into the loftier heights.

It is through these matricies of the All pervasive that telepathic communication is present- but what should be considered is that this will be at first through the felt senses in the 3D vehicle. Many individuals are already proficient in this practice, however, comparatively few are able to discern what of this is coming through these wider systems to which they are connected and their own individual systems, ie external projections. This is the self-fulfilling prophesy of the hive mind, which can work on both levels (albeit always with the call of evolution, if one chooses to hear it).

Therefore, at this time, the practice of moving these energies should be practiced and fostered, in order to cleanse and prepare the physical structure as well as the lightbody for maintaining their ‘roles’ within the higher-frequency structures, upon which others will be dependent; both within the system and those outside of the system.

Running these higher frequencies will, of course, cause much to drop away in the form of energetic baggage purging from the field, things that no longer serve the individual nor the system – to be sovereign as the highest frequency member of the system. This isn’t to say that one is better, or hierarchically higher than another, but in this phase of evolution until everyone is clear and pure naturally the flow of Source flows from the inside out, from the top down. We should remember that this does also not mean that we loose our human form –in fact, we keep our anchor point in3D and below as our Divine chalice and birthright.

In the higher iterations of this timeline projection, the more “evolved” system communities will operate as space holders for the lower iterations to continue to purge, each member of which holding space for their own communities to step up to join them where they are.

This is the hierarchy of a naturally organising system; one that we see with bees and ants, each individual belongs to the whole, each carrying with them the energetic purpose, intention or flight-plan of the whole, yet each bringing through their unique life purpose, or energetic state of being according with their harmonic within the whole.

Individuals are honoured for what they bring to the party from their clean and clear and unique connection to Source.